
2024.07.29 Darina presented her work in the AMGEN final presentation workshop.

2023.07.29 Volunteers from the lab climbed a scorching mountain...

2024.07.29 Darina presented her work in the AMGEN final presentation workshop.
Transfer system Trans-blot turbo (Biorad)
Cell counter CellDrop BF (Denovix)
Safety Cabinet SCV-1307CEII AB3 (Hitachi)
Ultra-low temp freezer SU780XLE (Global Cooling)
Thermal cycler Mastercycler (Eppendorf)
UV Stratalinker 1800 (Stratagene)
Microplate reader Multiskan FC (Thermofisher)
Ultrasonic homogenizer VCX-500 (S&M)
Liquid nitrogen tank 509X21S-70A (AGC techno glass)
Cytospin 4 (Thermofisher)
CO2 incubator (Thermoforma)
All-in-one microscope BZ-X700 (Keyence)
Thermal cycler Veriti 96-well (Thermofisher)
NanoPhotometer N50 (Implen)
Spectrophotometer Smart Spec 3000 (Biorad)
Real-Time PCR StepOnePlus (Thermofisher)
Refrigerated centrifugator AX-311 (Tomy)
Clean bench AH-130 (Astec)
Multi-gas incubator APM-30D (Astec)
Thermal cycler Mastercycler Nexus (Eppendorf)
Shake & Stack oven (Thermofisher)
Vacuum centrifugal concentrator VC-15SP (TAITEC)
Ultrapure water production Direct-Q3 UV (Merckmillipore)
Incubator IC402 97L (Yamato)